Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is Crowded at the TOP!

Tuesday March 23, 2010

Crowded field for party polls

THE March 28 MCA election for the central committee has turned out to be one of the most crowded races in the party's 61-year history with a record 101 candidates filing their nomination papers for the 31 posts up for contest.

The three candidates for the president's post are incumbent Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, former deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and former president Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting.

Former vice-presidents Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha and Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai are in a straight fight for the No. 2 slot.

Ten candidates are vying for the four vice-president's posts. They are Datuk Loke Yuen Yow, Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, Datuk Chor Chee Heung, Senator Datuk Dr Yeow Chai Thiam, Datuk Yew Teong Look, Senator Datuk Alex Wong Siong Hwee, Datuk Yap Pian Hon, Datuk Edward Khoo Keok Hai, Gan Ping Sieu and Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai.

Of the 10, Dr Ng was vice-president in the previous committee, while Khoo, Siong Hwee, Gan, Loke and Yeow were former committee members.

Eighty-six hopefuls are going for the 25 posts of central committee (CC) member.

The four-hour nomination that started at the party headquarters at Wisma MCA here at 1pm was carried out smoothly.

The only minor commotion that took place in Dewan San Choon where the candidates filed their nomination papers occurred when Datuk Wong Mook Leong, a central committee member who resigned to pave the way for the party election, had his nomination rejected.

Mook Leong, 67, a CC member since 1974, was disqualified on a technicality. He left the stage after almost an hour.

Supporters started arriving at about noon and campaigning started to build up even as the nomination process got under way.

Supporters unfurled banners in support of Tee Keat, Ka Ting, Kong and Liow and stationed themselves at the entrance of Wisma MCA to wait for the arrival of their leaders.

Supporters of Tee Keat wore orange T-shirts. Orange is Tee Keat's favourite colour.

Supporters of Donald meanwhile donned red T-shirts.

Tee Keat's supporters stood on one side of the building's entrance while supporters of Ka Ting and Liow lined the other side.

Both camps tried to outdo each other by calling out and chanting the names of their leaders loudly.

However, the rival supporters, who were standing under the sun for hours, remained friendly throughout.

Several policemen were on standby but there was no unto­-ward incident.

Dr Chua, who filed his nomination papers at 2.05pm, was the first candidate for the president's post. Ka Ting followed with his nomination at about 4pm. Tee Keat filed his forms at 4.28pm.

Tee Keat, Dr Chua and Ka Ting were obviously the favourites of the media and they were mobbed by their supporters wherever they went.

After nomination was completed at 5pm, 30 minutes were allocated for objections. None was lodged.

The candidates then proceeded to randomly pick numbers from a box to determine the order in which their names would appear on the ballot paper.

Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/3/23/mcaelection2010/5915499&sec=mcaelection2010

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