Oleh CKChew
In Penang, people generally know that when Jacky Chan detained in Simpang Renggam Rehabilitation Center in 1993 for drug trafficking offenses, Ong Ka Ting is Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, and the people also know that Ong Ka Ting-lah the one who membebaskannya from detention after only 2 years. To recompense Ong Ka Ting, Jacky Chan later joined the MCA.
It is impossible that Ong Ka Ting did not know Jacky Chan, Jacky Chan either before or while detained in detention and also when he joined MCA. Jacky Chan is a young man so prominent in the world of secret societies in 80s and 90s, involved in the murder case of 6 family members at a wedding in Sungai Petani. This case get excited because it was a case of murder most courageous done openly by the group gangsterism.
In addition, Jacky Chan is also involved in the brutal murder of 10 others, all involving members share their own proportions.Members are killed because they allegedly betrayed the Sio Sam Ong group led by Jacky Chan. This brutal murder is done, 5 of which were found dead after being reviewed by forensic experts, confirmed that the victim was beaten and buried alive. News reported extensively on this murder and after it disensasikan by the media, especially the Chinese media, the name of Jacky Chan and group Sio Sam Ong became public reference. He was aged only within the 30's when the peak of its involvement in the illegal world, seen as potential leaders of secret societies, bold, rich and influential. No people, especially those from Penang Chinese community who do not know Jacky Chan. Therefore, do not try to fool with Mahathir's hopes of closing tembelang party allies.Instead, he as head of the MCA must take stern action against the MCA as president and the party associated with unhealthy elements that may threaten national security.
There is much evidence that shows MCA Ong Ka Ting or conspire with gangsterism. The picture below clearly shows Ong Ka Ting who received form members of Jacky Chan in the opening of branch MCA Gurney Drive and the next picture shows Ong Ka Ting Jacky Chan honored in a ceremony organized by the MCA Gurney Drive branch.

Ong Ka Ting who received membership forms of members of Jacky
Chan in the opening of branch MCA Gurney Drive

Ong Ka Ting giving tribute to Jacky Chan for the
ceremony organized by the MCA branch in Gurney Drive
These images show the involvement of Jacky Chan in MCA and also with Ong Ka Ting not just take a picture with only. Jacky Chan and gangsterism-group relations is the cornerstone of the success of MCA and Gerakan in Penang in the last election.
Jacky Chan extent not only involved in the MCA or BN, but the head of all secret societies at large that there is Penang BN component party members. They like Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping, head of the group or groups Pheh "Red", a "businessman" who is also Director of Berjaya Group, and Datuk Lim Gait Tong, head of group 04 and chairman Farlim also involved in the political BN. Tan Kok Ping, in 80-an ever detained by police in a raid on the council adopted an oath difficult members of the new group Pheh in Bukit Gambir, Penang. He was released without charged in court while 30 of its members arrested and sent to rehabilitation centers or district removed.
CKChew, LUNAS - 26.07.2003 (suntingan M@RHAEN)
Source: http://justice4otk.blogspot.com/2010/03/ong-knows-triad-ong-oleh-ckchew-in_20.html#comments
Insider MCA CANNOT believe that a MCA President could be such a gangster.... brought this piece of article to an uncle at kopitiam to verify. Insider MCA has every reason to believe this uncle because he himself was known to be notorious and within the circle of gangsterism when he was young.
"Aiyah... now only you know ar?" Uncle said.... Declining to comment much, suffice to say he has reasons to believe the above is true.
Insider MCA wonders.... if OKT be the President, not only will the Chinese be an under dog to the BN/ UMNO but also an under dog of underworld.
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