Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Qualities of the president

Qualities of the president

"Hey, everyone of you, listen up. This ointment is good for burns and all kinds of wounds...."
The MCA fresh polls look more and more like people selling ointments on the streets. They are busy bragging about themselves and use all kinds of tactics to promote themselves.
Some candidates printed T-shirts and banners or canvass through SMSs for votes. Party President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat even starts his campaign across the nation on a van emblazoned with his election theme "Ong Tee Keat for President".
It is a party elections, not a general elections. Ong needs to meet the party's central delegates instead of roadside hawkers.
If it is a general elections, they can grab a chair from the van or just stand on it to immediately deliver a speech once they arrive at the markets. Is he planning to ask the central delegates to stand beside the van and wait for free ice-cream?
MCA has wasted a year to fight for power. If they still play tricks and gimmicks during the fresh polls, MCA will never improve. Leaders who are competing for high positions should bring up political platforms and conduct a high standard election campaign. The party crisis will never end if they keep splitting into factions and cooperating for personal interests.
If none of the media is willing to hold a debate, MCA must then hold debates for candidates competing for the party's presidency, deputy presidency and vice-presidencies. Through a live online broadcast, the central delegates and members can rate the candidates while the public may also get a clearer picture of the qualities of MCA leaders.
Although the party's constitution states that any Central Committee member or central delegate is qualified to contest for any position in the party, as the world's largest Chinese political party outside China and Taiwan, there should be certain criteria for candidates competing for the presidency of MCA. There should also be strict requirements for the president. If they elect another low quality president, it will be a shame for MCA, as well as Chinese.
Let me suggest a few requirements:
Highly educated and high wisdom: The country is in the political and economic transition period. The president should know not only how to deal with issues related to the Chinese community, but as well issues related to the country's politics and the world's economy.
If the president only knows how to quote famous words from Chinese novels, how is he going to discuss with the Prime Minister on national issues like imposing Goods and Services Tax (GST) and turning the country into a high-income economy? Majlis Perundingan NGO Melayu (MPM), formed by 76 Malay non-governmental organisations has requested the government to retain Malay privileges in the New Economic Model (NEM). Without high wisdom, how can he help BN to achieve the "1Malaysia" goal?
Leadership qualities: MCA is an "interest group". Instead of having a great ambition, many join the party to gain benefits. As they are interest-oriented, they split into factions and have internal fights. Therefore, the president must possess excellent leadership qualities. How can he unite the party if the president also joins the fight himself? They will have to suffer a great defeat in the general elections for sure.
Sincerity and credibility: A president will be charismatic only if he treats all with sincerity.
A leader must as well be consistent. He should not be inconsistent in any case including even if he is being betrayed.
There are a lot of challenges in front of MCA and the Chinese community. If they choose the wrong president, it will definitely bring endless troubles. (By LIM SUE GOAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)

If all MCA central delegates would know what they want and qualities of a president.....

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