Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tee Keat: I have faith and confidence in the wisdom of the central delegates

Sunday March 14, 2010


KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat will defend his post in the March 28 party election, saying that there is "a lot of unfinished work".
Announcing this during a press conference at Wisma MCA here yesterday, Ong said he and his team would continue to soldier on with their struggle.

"I announce my candidacy for the people, party and presidency of MCA," he said at the conference, which was also attended by his supporters, some of whom donned orange T-shirts bearing his name. They also bore banners of support.

Ong stressed that he could and would work with anyone who ultimately had the interest of the people, community and party in mind.

"We are ready with renewed resolve, to strive to redeem the near lost hopes of our day. Of course, if there is anybody — individual or party leader — who share the same vision, we would like to rope them in not just for the elections but for the party's transformation," he said.

Ong said he also hoped that everybody would have the political maturity to accept the outcome and work together after the party polls, adding that it was time for MCA leaders to set aside their differences.
Asked on his running mate, Ong said it was still too early for him to say anything, adding that the party constitution did not have a running mate system.

On the possibility of a pact between former deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and former vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Ong, who is the first to announce his candidacy for presidency, said: "If the pact is based on personal political benefit, it will not last long. And I am not specifically referring to a certain pact.

"If we truly love the party and its struggle, we need to unite among ourselves on one same aspiration and not political convenience."

Earlier, Ong pledged that he and his people were prepared and willing to defend the rights of all Malaysians, particularly the Chinese community, in realising the 1Malaysia dream.

"Armed with renewed energy and zeal, I am confident we will win back the hearts and minds of all Malaysians," he said, adding that the party still faced the challenge of regaining the trust and confidence of the people and community, which MCA's constitution and founding fathers had sworn to protect.

He described the road to transformation and change as, more often than not, "a lonely one fraught with challenges".

"I admit that in my zeal to make institutional changes in the party, I took a number of hard knocks and learned a few lessons," he said.

"But I meant nothing but good for our party.

"What doesn't break a person makes him stronger and despite being battle-scarred during my tenure, I have come out with renewed strength and hope," he said, adding that it had also strengthened his belief that many still had faith in MCA to transform itself and regain public trust and confidence.

Ong said he was confident that they would be able to finish the job that they had set out to do if they had the "will of steel" and were willing to put aside differences for the party and community's good although time was not on their side.

"If we seriously want to see some changes and thirst for a stronger MCA that the people want, we must be serious and strong enough to withstand a period of transformational pain," he said, adding that he had faith and confidence in the wisdom of the central delegates to determine the party's destiny.

"For it is not about who wins the presidency but whether the new leadership of the party is able to continue with the efforts to change and restore the confidence of the people."

Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/3/14/nation/5861705&sec=nation
When did MCA central delegates ever had wisdom? If they would have wisdom, they will not have been swayed by the third force and jeorpadised things - they voted OTK and CSL at the AGM, and when factions began - they were swayed by third force supposedly to end OTK presidency, a vague CSL retracted suspension but not retaining Deputy President. (if memory is good - Cina pun mudah lupa....) The EGM worsen the situation and now pushing for another....
How I wish the central delegates of MCA really really have wisdom to choose the correct person to lead and then not swayed by buggers destroying the MCA name!

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