Saturday, March 27, 2010

Opinions: Tee Keat remains President

Below is an article for created by the imagination of Insider MCA only... to be the news at night of 28th March 2010, after a collection of thoughts and opinions from every corner of MCA. 

Tee Keat remains President

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 28 - Incumbent Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat elected as President of MCA today with a whooping 65%  voted for him. In a surprising sweep of votes to Tee Keat, majority of the central delegates voted for change and decided to give Tee Keat a chance for another one year to review his performance during the next party election.

The central delegates crushed the ants (a party agenda by Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek who obtained only 25% votes) and sending a strong message to reject the recycled President, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting who garnered only 10% votes.

MCA elders said that the 10% votes for Ka Ting are by his staunch supporters while Soi Lek's supporters switched sides after deliberate consideration for the good of the party. A central delegate who declined to be named said that initially they supported Ong Ka Ting to be President and Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai as Deputy President because they could save the party but at the last minute of voting, a sweep of support for Tee Keat was felt and they all voted in for Tee Keat. "Tiong Lai's supporters quickly asked all Ka Ting's supporters to switch camp to Tee Keat," citing confusion at first but seeing a note signed by their respective leaders, they confirmed that they should vote for the Tee Keat - Tiong Lai pair instead.

Tiong Lai declined to comment on the sudden sweep of support for Tee Keat and denied that it was his work in the sudden sweep. Tee Keat supporters, still reeling from shock of the support garnered, said, "If it is not because of Ka Ting, it will be a tough fight. We thank Tiong Lai who finally give his support to Tee Keat and pull a wave of support to us."

Tee Keat said that his 65% vote for him is a call for support of his agenda to change and leaving MCA Headquarters hurriedly, he said, "Is time to get back to work. I have no time for interview. There are many changes to be made and reforms to be done. I will make announcements soon." Swarmed by supporters and delegates, he took about fifteen minutes to get to his car while his lone bodyguard had difficulty in guarding off the MCA delegates. Right before he reached his car, delegates carried him and flew the well-built President to the air three times before he was finally put down to enter his car.

An interview with Ka Ting supporters revealed that they do not trust mainstream media anymore because it was him controlling the stakes. However, with the Internet advancement now, there are many alternative media like blogs, Facebook, news sites and Twitter allowing central delegates to read and make decisions.

"We were so sure that those negative remarks regarding Ka Ting were baseless but on the election day, many documents were circulated to proof the truth behind those statements like linking with underworlds, ungratefulness to family members and alleged step-by-step plan for a comeback. We were so surprised that the person we once so revered was so cunning and we decided to switch camp," one main supporter said.

One delegate said that, "We also received a SMS the night before election that Ka Ting is a rejected candidate. Ka Ting's supporters have been saying Tee Keat will sure lose and if Tee Keat sure lose, we should vote for Ka Ting so not to waste votes. Now that Ka Ting is losing, we should not waste votes by voting for him, so I voted for Tee Keat instead. I believe in change."

Ka Ting declined to comment on the results but angrily mentioned that the documents produced on that day were a plot to remove him politically. Declining to mention who he suspected was behind the move and whether the allegations were true, he said, "I do not know who do it. Maybe you should ask the winner of the day. I do not want to say whether the documents are true but it should not appear today."

Soi Lek who lost the bid for Presidency was taken aback with only 25% voted for him. "I thank those who supported me and voted for me. I thank those who said they will vote for me." Expecting at least 40% votes, he said he has worked hard to garner votes.

MACC which has been monitoring the MCA Presidency election said they do not rule out money politics within the election and will investigate, further saying that they will charge anyone involved regardless of position.

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