Saturday, March 27, 2010

MCA president-in-transit — Bob Teoh

MCA president-in-transit — Bob Teoh

MARCH 23 — There are two important points to note in the current MCA polls. The first is that the MCA is about the most democratic party in the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
To begin with, the party has amended its constitution so that the principal office bearers can remain in office not more three terms or nine years. In addition, anyone can run for any posts unlike, say, Umno or MIC, where the top posts are reserved only for the warlords.
Then someone mooted the idea of opening up party elections to all members instead of the 2,000 or so delegates. If this move comes to pass, then there is still hope for other BN component parties to re-invent themselves if they are bold enough to follow the MCA's example.
The second thing to note is that it is a rare three-cornered race for the presidency so anything can happen. We have Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, the immediate past president, his anointed successor Datuk Seri Ong Kee Teat, and Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, who was sacked by Tee Keat as duly elected party deputy president. In such circumstances, it is difficult for anyone of the three to emerge as the clear winner even though the bets are being piled up on one of them.
Don't forget this is not a winner-takes-all sweep because the winner will only be a president-in-transit until the regular party polls at next year's AGM.
To answer the question why is Ka Ting making a comeback, we must first ask why did he step down in the first place even though his term of office was not due to expire then? The party suffered its most ignoble defeat since the 1969 general election in the March 8, 2008 general election. So Ka Ting did the honourable thing by taking the blame by stepping down and going into well-earned retirement even though he was still not even 50 then.
He arranged for the baton to pass on to Tee Keat. Problem was Tee Keat is not a team player and he quickly sacked Dr Chua, who was the duly elected deputy president. As it turned out, Tee Keat was forced to face a confidence vote which he did bravely and promised to step down even if he lost by one vote. As it came to pass, he lost by more than just one vote but Tee Keat refused to step down. That's why this week's extraordinary party polls are called to try to oust him.
Tee Keat and Dr Chua bring their baggage with them to the polls. Tee Keat didn't keep his word. So the question is can the delegates trust him? Can BN partners, particularly Umno, trust him?
Dr Chua quickly apologised and stepped down from all party posts including his MP seat and as health minister following the sensational exposure of the DVD sex scandal. Now he wants to lead the party. Will his past shadow him?
Ka Ting comes with hardly any baggage. In his own words, he has come out of retirement to help unify the party. The question is, has he been absolved from the party's disastrous outing at the 2008 general election? Is he going to be just a president-in-transit or is this his long-term comeback bid?
Should Ka Ting win, it would be unprecedented in local politics. Should he lose, he can just walk away. He was only trying to help but no thank you.
Should Tee Keat or Dr Chua win, well that would be very interesting to see if either of them can last the distance to the party polls next year. —
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.

Does the Writer, Bob Teoh knows that it was well planned by Ong Ka Ting that he passes baton to Ong Tee Keat then uses him to execute Chua Soi Lek? OKT also the same man forcing the EGM - creating the third force to vote against Ong Tee Keat. But less than he even expected, Chua Soi Lek made a come back! Then he forces a new fresh poll and comes out as saviour for the party.

Ka Ting comes out with hardly any baggage? A MCA elder quickly "pui...!" to this statement saying that he has left so much unattended baggage to Ong Tee Keat and now Tee Keat seen to be a rival to Soi Lek. Why didn't he execute Soi Lek before resigning?

More so, since Tee Keat already knew about the third force and that it was a force to oust him, why should he resign with that mere margin? Should he not stayed back and see what does the third force is up to? Now that the fresh poll is forced.... it is clear, that the third force is created by Ka Ting himself - a step by step plan to comeback....

MCA Elders spoke......

Wonders if there is any truth


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