Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kopitiam Talks: (Part 3) Who Should be The MCA President?

Part 1
Part 2

The below are based on hearsays and analysis by MCA elders through coffee shop talks only... there may be truth or even otherwise..

Insider MCA analysis after loads of coffees with the Insiders. Insider MCA is a grass root person from the ground... Insider MCA goes in this sequence for easy readability.... OKT, CSL, OTK... no preference in the sequence...

UMNO and Acceptability of Other Component Parties
It is said that Ong Ka Ting has the advantage because he has been a yes-man but this "silent-killer" could turn the bowl otherwise, too if UMNO or PM are not careful with his strategies. His cards are well-hidden, plans are well-structured. Rumours said that he has planned the Ong empire even from the start of his Presidency. When he resigned, he has carefully planned his step-by-step come back (refer here) from the purposefully inheritance of party problems to Ong Tee Keat including sex scandal issue, silent Immediate Past President during crisis, pushing force for EGM to further spoil Chua Soi Lek - Ong Tee Keat relationship, immediate resolve by PM and then the man and mind behind the third force pushing for fresh election, and coming back as a saviour! 

He also did subsequent steps so quickly that Ong Tee Keat did not have the chance to implement an important reform which could very much benefit Tee Keat - the direct Presidential elections. Tee Keat has mass grass root support but if only central delegates were to elect, Ka Ting stands a high chance. 

This is the man that UMNO should be aware of, not a person that could really work with as an alliance. However, to the Chinese, this brilliant strategist could be the answer for MCA - silently kill the UMNOs and ketuanan Melayu.... Uncles at kopitiam added... the SMS saying he has the endorsement of PM is most likely circulated by Ong Ka Ting's supporters. 

How about Chua Soi Lek, asked Insider MCA. Kopitiam talks said that his tarnished sex scandal will always be a burden as BN does not want to be seen as depletion of capital when a sex-tarnished guy could be President of a component party. UMNO will not let the good image of BN be tarnished and written in history this way.

Of Ong Tee Keat, UMNO and PM are on cautious lookout. Accordingly, this "dog" is wild with many brilliant ideas and transformation steps. "Transformation", "Change", and "Reformation" are words that UMNO does not like - think Anwar, think opposition. However, Ong Tee Keat being a very open, straightforward and blunt leader - his cards are easily read and if UMNO could read and cooperate, this could be a "dog" to be tamed. Unlike the well-hidden agenda in Ong Ka Ting's mind, Ong Tee Keat will be easily handled if his wishes and ideas are implemented. 

MCA Unity
Generally, Ong Ka Ting does has his advantage as he still commands support from central delegates. In fact, he was seen to be able to have both Team A and Team B under control during his tenure as President. However, Chua Soi Lek and many mentioned his return has split the party (refer here and here), and yes he did. So, what is his plan to unite the party, Insider MCA wonders. While his "success" in having both Team A and B under control, he, too has his share of "uniting" the Chinese media except Oriental Daily to his benefits. Therefore, the unity in MCA under Ong Ka Ting could means unity for the Ong empire. 

Chua Soi Lek commands a very large percentage of support especially in Johor. Johor did a very good job in retaining seats during last General Election despite the political tsunami. Chua Soi Lek has his base in Johor with many on his sides despite attempts by Ong Ka Ting to remove him from Johor and Ong Tee Keat's line-up of new committee members in Johor. However, he was seen as "someone to be cautious of" out of Johor. No one leader in MCA should command such powerful support from one state. Insider MCA begs to differ because Insider MCA thinks that if he could be the leader of leader or leader... instead of just leader of followers - he is the right person for MCA Unity. 

Ong Tee Keat, being lone ranger all these while and declined to have any running mates for elections, always maintain his grass root supports. He is a leader of followers. Some dislike his ways of putting "his people" or making the many reforms by using his presidential powers. With his Transformation agenda, he is sure to lose out much supports as CHANGE is a big word with big sacrifice. However, as a leader of principles, he made a point to go for change RAIN or SHINE. For the sake of MCA Unity, he may score less but in preparing MCA to face the future, he could be the leader to do this.

Chinese Perceptions
People at large, Chinese in general, feels that Ong Ka Ting should remain in retirement and should not be out to contest. In fact, he should be resolving the party crisis immediately and not add another split to the already broken pieces of MCA. His reluctance or some said non-appearance during the crisis and sudden appearance to contest for Presidency has made many confirmed his step-by-step plans to set up the Ong empire within MCA. Both Ong brothers were patient and their patience paid off big way if they both win. 

The Chinese also do not want "close-door discussions" - popularised by Ka Ting, the control of Chinese media by a single political party - done during the days of Ka Ting's presidency despite many objections, losing of Chinese dignity to the Malays - by being an obedient under dog, sweeping party problems under carpet and the swept of General Elections by the tsunami - as in 308 under his tenure as President.

Chua Soi Lek has his support from the grass root, too. Any man on the street agrees that Soi Lek is the man! He has the guts, he admitted (unlike others who declare it sounds like him but is not him), and he stood true by resigning from all posts. Bravery has its fare share of fans but among the female, Soi Lek could not be the President. How is he going to fight for female rights or issues of the gender when he himself deprived his wife of? There is a fare share of male, too who did not agree with his sex scandal but accordingly, he has not any other corruption cases been exposed other than the sex glitch. 

Ong Tee Keat is seen as the only one who is brave enough for the issues concerning people on the street. Every single person in Malaysia wants to know what happened to the squandered monies and who did it. However, as much as he wanted to expose corruptions, many fired back with his corruption cases which he denied and later was open enough to be investigated by the MACC. Insider MCA view MACC as a vehicle by BN to kill anyone whom they do not want to be a leader, Tee Keat includes. 

With only ONE powerful weapon (PKFZ) to hold, what else could he do to the Chinese at large? He has records to show on HOPE program - getting all races qualified for universities but did not get a seat to have opportunities to study at private universities and colleges at the cost of local uni. Insider MCA is not interested to list all the achievements of the candidates but suffice to say Tee Keat is more a grass root leader and rising from poor family background and raised by a single mother, he knows what the people need. 
However, William Cheng from the commerce/business side has argued that Tee Keat did not do many things for the businesses particularly in helping the Chinese. It is understood that he came from poor family backgrounds and not business - that he failed to provide. However, to show that he has been assisting businesses, MCA put up a SME exhibition and talks at the MCA HQ before and during the party AGM. NGOs and a few other business trade missions came in defend on Tee Keat. While he has great relationships with NGOs and associations, the determining factor during MCA election is the central delegation. 

Insider MCA watches....

General Elections - coming soon....
Kopitiam talks said Ong Ka Ting care less on how MCA fare - he only cares if the Ongs win the seats by putting his brother in a save seat and winning his own seat. Elected representatives will be seen as leader and promoted within the party and when he loses, he will be thrown out. MCA elder purportedly said this is how cunning he is... One good example, Wong Nai Chee who won the Kota Melaka seat was the rising star under his leadership but now the star does not shine anymore when he stupidly resign for the man and mind of the third force. "Nai Chee should buck up and now know your leader better," uncles added, another nodded.

Chua Soi Lek on the other hand is very much hands-on, on the ground and very simple. He has brought his people's views and grouses and solved them. He commands support as he mentors and brings up young generations to lead - his people are now raised to many positions as opposed to Tee Keat's people. As Insider MCA puts it earlier, he is a leader of leader... However some may argued that this could lead to cronyism.

Tee Keat's very close approach to the grass root and people of all races is very well-liked by the people at large. Being the only MCA MP elected in the whole Selangor/Negeri Sembilan area, he has his strength in mingling with his people, serving his constituents well in order to garner this kind of strong support despite being sidelined by the two BN state assemblymen in his parliament and a tsunami that was so great in his constituency. One may recall that it was a six-party fight at Pandan - ADUN Cempaka (PAS-UMNO), ADUN Teratai (DAP-Gerakan) and Pandan (MCA-PKR) - the hottest area with almost every top leader of PR touched for ceramahs! While both BN ADUN failed and lose with very large margin, he still won with a fare margin - people in Pandan voted the BNs out of their state but still voted for Tee Keat. 

This same approach he uses to encourage every MCA division to serve the people and eventually win the hearts of the people - of course eventually win votes for the General Election. While many rakyat will see this as a great approach because the MCA will be built in strength by serving the people, many shortcut politicians or politicians-for-own-agenda will reject him. This approach is also well-liked by the hardworking Wanita MCA who mostly join MCA to serve the people (no prejudice - just a generalisation - kopitiam uncle added!). 

His manner and bravery also is well-liked by the younger generations proven by his approach from facebook (as mentioned in Part 2) as well as themed orange - a dynamic and young colour. Alright, Insider MCA feels that much were discussed on Ong Tee Keat for this sub-topic, indirectly indicating the kopitiam uncles subconsciously think Tee Keat could be the person to sweep back the tsunami back to MCA.

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