Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kopitiam Talks: (Part 4) Who Should be The MCA President?

Insider MCA was asked to analyse what will happen if the three candidates are NOT ELECTED as President of MCA.

This is wonderful as Insider MCA talks to many MCA elders. The news came about that Chua Soi Lek is now leading in garnering votes from central delegates while (deng deng deng... surprise!) Ong Tee Keat is second. Seems like Ong Ka Ting, who controls the Chinese media and recently Chinese media wrote news as if he is already a MCA President, is totally rejected. However, kopitiam talks being just talks - only numbers generated tomorrow on 28th March 2010 will determine the Presidency.

MCA elders believe.......
( The below are based on hearsays and analysis by MCA elders through coffee shop talks only... there may be truth or even otherwise..)


Ong Ka Ting is NOT ELECTED President - he will still be a hero and gets back to comfort retirement. A Tan Sri-ship is already with him, what does he expect? Tun?


Chua Soi Lek is NOT ELECTED President - high chance this man will join the froggy to Pakatan Rakyat, said the elders. Recent news report shows that Chua Soi Lek thanked the Pakatan Rakyat for not using his sex scandal against him.  
“None of the Pakatan Rakyat parties have used this scandal against me. That is why I have the highest respect for them,” he said in an interview with the media yesterday.
An MCA elder said that he could be sensing there is lack of support from central delegates and that he could have thrown in a white flag before the election itself. Having "thank" the Pakatan Rakyat will pave way to good relationship with PR and when he loses his Presidency bid, he could cross over easily, joining Chua Jui Meng - Chua dynasty, why not?

A few MCA delegates said they have made up their minds to choose Ong Tee Keat for his CHANGE agenda, rejecting the 308 President and sex-scandaled candidate.Yet, if CSL jumps to PR, there is not much chance for him to rise. Pakatan Rakyat already has enough headaches with DSAI charges. Questions were already there - Why Anwar was charged and not Chua? (News here) Therefore, BN could be a comfortable umbrella for CSL "crime" but jumping over the fence may get him caught. So, CSL, do think twice if you are jumping...


Ong Tee Keat is NOT ELECTED President - and because he believed in CHANGE - something likened to the PR's agenda, and being well-liked by the DAP as well, jumping over to PR could well be a good choice. His past relationships with both the BN and PR have been very well cemented and this politician goes well with everyone (politically). Therefore, it is just time for him to jump over and if he does, some said that a 2-party system could materialize. 

He has strong command in all languages and many people know he gets along well with all races and an advocate of unity and 1Malaysia. He is still young at 54 and therefore could do much if he is in the PR.

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